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“New Version” Complete with Thermocouple Digital Controller

The Little Buddy screen printing conveyor dryer II is one of the best options for a starter conveyor available on the market. It offers many features that standard conveyor dryers don’t typically have and its build to last! This dryer is a great addition to a small shop or package that only has a flash dryer for a heating source. Also the oven portion of the dryer is completely adjustable to accommodate different needs and different jobs. By moving the oven back on the belt you can actually fit more shirts in the dryer at a time. Also the locking casters on the base of the dryer allows for easy storage and motility. Start off on the right foot with the right dryer for your growing business!

All BBC equipment is sold with ESA (Electrical Safety Authority) approval sticker.

Little Buddy Screen Printing Conveyor Dryer 2000 120V,16.2 amps 72/Hr

•Three Year Warranty on Heaters.
•Versatile 120v Standard Power Supply
•Adjustable Belt Speed Control
•Adjustable Oven Gates
•”Hassle-Free” Belt Tracking Guide
•Locking Casters Included
•Vented Oven Top